Saturday 15 June 2013


There are a lot of great things about friendship, and one of them should be support through the good and bad times. Simply put, when you have great friends in your life you should be able to get a "congrats" or "atta boy" when something good happens for you. But friendships aren't perfect, and every once in a while a friend will disappoint you by failing to share your joy. What then?Do you have a pal who reminds you more of a possessive boyfriend than a friend? Maybe Snow White’s stepmother or a huge butthead of a boss? I’ve had more than enough experience with these energy-suckers ......
“How do they make me feel?”
If it’s anything that strays far from “UH-MAZING”, then THE friendship needs some evaluating. Friends should leave you feeling inspired and happy. These are the people who are supposed to put you at ease, help you have fun and deal with the challenges of life. If a friend stresses ME out, makes ME  feel like less of a person or exhausts ME, then chances are the relationship is not a healthy one...AND i LEAVE...
These “friends” don’t give a hoot about your boundaries, your needs, or anything, for that matter. All they know is what they need from you and that they expect to get it. No is never an acceptable answer, even if you’re only blowing off your day at the beach together to go spend time with your father who has to undergo surgery for cancer. Seems logical to any normal empathetic person, but poisonous pals are not empathetic, they are selfish. 
SOME friends are totally childish...need to follow everythin that they wanna do..HELL NO!...You can't be friends with everybody, because everybody isn't a friend....I would rather have ONE person who loves me with ALL their heart than a million people who just ACT like they do!
From there on out, only seek out people that make you feel loved and inspired and all the happiness in the world will be yours! Surround yourself with positivity and life will be positively fabulous!

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