Friday 13 October 2017


Hi semua….hari ni nk kongsi dengan uols resepi kimchi....
Fyi, this is my 1st trial buat kimchi sebab nk beli mahal giler satu bekas so buat sendiri . Bhn2 pun senang. Check this out guysssssss!!!!!

1 Batang Kobis Panjang (Napa Cabbage)
1/2 Cawan Garam
1 Batang Lobak Merah
1 Pokok Daun Bawang
1 Paket Serbuk Cili BABA’S

1 Biji Epal Merah (Buang Kulit)
1 Biji Bawang Besar Holland
3 Ulas Bawang Putih
1 Inci Halia
2 Sdk Sos Ikan

1/2 cawan tepung pulut
1/4 cawan gula
3 cawan air

Potong Kobis Ikut Saiz Yang Disukai. Sederhana Besar. Jangan Kecik Sangat Sebab Nanti Kecut. Gaul Dengan Garam. Pastikan Garam Kena Pada Setiap Permukaan Kobis Tu. Masuk Dalam Besen Ke Tupperware Ke. Tindih Dengan Benda Berat. Biarkan Selama 4 Jam (Ini Kalau Ikut Resepi Asal Tapi Kalau Nak Cepat 2 Jam Pun Tak Pa). Lepas 4 Jam, Air Akan Keluar Dari Kobis Tu. Kobis Jadi Layu. Basuh Dan Perah Sebanyak 3 Kali. Perah Macam Sampai Air Tak De. TRY Sikit. Kalau Masin Sangat Bilas Lagi. Bahan Bahan Lain Macam Lobak Tu Potong Memanjang Saiz Batang Mancis. Ketepikan.


Blender Bahan PASTE Dengan Air Masak/Air Bertapis.
Masak Tepung Pulut Dengan Air Dan Panaskan Sampai Keluar Bubble.
Masukkan Gula Dan Kacau Dalam 1 Minit, Tutup Api Biarkan Sejuk.
Kemudian Campur Paste Tadi Dengan Bubur Tepung Pulut Tadi Bersama Daun Bawang Dan LobaK Merah.

Ambil Kobis Masukkan Dalam Bekas Kimchi Paste Lumur Kimchi Paste Dengan Kobis Panjang, Pastikan Rata. Tekan Kimchi Supaya Air Kobis Keluar Sebelum Letak Dalam Tupperware.

Tutup Dan Simpan Di Tempat Gelap Dan Sejuk Selama 24jam. Kalau Dah Ada Buih Buih Tu Dah Jadi Lah Maksudnya. Kalau Rasa Nak Masam Lagi Biarkan Lagi. Kalau Dah Okay, Terus Masukkan Ke Dalam Peti Sejuk. Lagi Lama Lagi Sedap.

Tuesday 3 October 2017



Ikan Bilis
1 Biji Bawang Besar (Hiris Halus)
3 Sudu Besar Cili Kering Yang Dikisar
1 Sudu Besar Sos Cili


Goreng Ikan Bilis Hingga Garing Dan Ketepikan
Tumiskan Bawang Besar Yg Dihiris Halus Sehingga Naik Bau Wangi
Masukkan Cili Kering Yg Dikisar Dan Masak Hingga Pecah Minyak
Masukkan Sedikit Air Jika Paste Terlampau Kering
Masukkan Sos Cili Dan Perasakan Dengan Gula Dan Garam.


Sunday 1 October 2017

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) vs Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Should I pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree? What’s the difference between the two?

It’s a really good question. Embarking on either of these doctorates will involve a major commitment of my energy, time and finances. I want to be sure to choose the right one.

A PhD is a research degree for candidates who would like to pursue a career in academia and conduct research that contributes to business knowledge or theory. Essentially, a PhD candidate is focused on making a contribution to scholarship. PhD students often get financial support during the studies, either by a scholarship or through a position as research assistant. This makes a lot of sense given that PhD students depend on a solid financing plan but sometimes are sponsored by their universities because the university has an interest in their future publication. If the PhD student finally becomes a full time professor at a renowned business school and publishes in top journals, the university's reputation increases. Therefore, the investment pays off for the university in that case.

A DBA is a practitioner-based degree. Instead of developing new research and theories, you will use the existing body of literature to develop hands-on, practical solutions to problems in the workplace. The DBA is a professional doctorate that can be used to indicate a practitioner’s level of expertise in their chosen fields. In financing issues, DBA students, keep on earning money and may have some savings by which they can pay the tuition fees. They may also be able to tax-deduct their DBA expenses and most likely increase their salary once they have achieved their doctoral degree by gaining better positions. Some companies even fund DBA students, especially when they use data from their employers and when their research is relevant for their companies.

Based on University of Liverpool‘s website, both DBA and PhD programs have some similarities such as below:
  • ·         Involve several years of study and research
  • ·         Culminate in a thesis, usually tested in an oral exam (‘viva voce’)
  • ·         Are equal in status, standing and challenge
  • ·         Lead to a doctor’s title and can open up new horizons

Clearly, the difference between a PhD and DBA is that a PhD program is generally much broader and has different aspects from a research perspective, while in a DBA program, the problem a student has to explore or investigate is related to a specific business. As a Degree-seekers who are interested in a more academic career might consider a PhD, particularly those hoping to obtain faculty positions at a university. 

So, I think I should proceed on PHD because PhD is the path to a career as an academic. The degree will qualifies as scholars and the overall goal is to start a career as a fulltime professor at any universities.