Sunday 30 September 2018


Hello guys…

How are you? Hope you guys have amazing days ever!! So today I would like to talk about “live life to the fullest”. We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Today, I am jobless but I don’t make my life miserable. Yes, we have debt to settle and of cause I will find the way. The most important thing is to think positive and be optimist. Yes, that right! Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions and the reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be. 

You have just one life to live. It is yours. Own it, claim it, live it, do the best you can with it. 
Hillary Clinton

Action may not always bring happiness but there is no happiness without action. Happiness is a state of activity. I love cooking, eating, reading and listening to music. So, my everyday routine is cooking and eating is for sure. Do whatever you like or love and this will bring happiness to you. Even if you don’t have enough money in your life, you can find happiness. Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated. So on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, and then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness. 

Am I right guys?

Saturday 29 September 2018


2 Mangkuk Sederhana Nasi
1 Genggam Ikan Bilis Yg Digoreng
2 Ulas Bawang Putih
1 Biji Bawang Besar
15 Biji Cili Api
1 Mangkuk Kecil Sayur Campur
2 Biji Telur Yg Digoreng Hancur
1 Sdk Gula
½ Sdk Garam
½ Sdk Serbuk Maggi Sedap
2 Sdk Kicap Manis
½ Inch Belacan

Tumbuk @Kisar Bawang Putih, Bawang Besar, Cili Api Dan Belacan Dan Tumis Hingga Garing.
Masukkan ½ Cawan Air Bersama Sayur Campur. Tunggu Hingga Sayur Campur Masak.
Kemudian Masuk Gula, Garam, Serbuk Perasa Maggi Dan Kicap Manis. Perasakan Mengikut Citarasa.
Masuk Pula Nasi Dan Telur. Gaul Hingga Rata.
Akhir Sekali Masuk Ikan Bilis Goreng.


Saturday 22 September 2018


Hellooooo guys…

How’s your day? Hope you all have an amazing day. Today I would like to share string bean sardine recipe which I learn from one of my favorite YouTuber. Recently, in Malaysia got many rumors regarding contaminated canned sardines. Malaysia Health Ministry has identified some of imported canned sardine and mackerel brands that are found to be contaminated with ROUNDWORMS. Can you all imagine??? ROUNDWORMS in your food??? 

Yes, I admit since the news, I never touch or ever eat canned sardine because one of my favorite brand canned sardine also found contaminated. It’s been almost 6-7 months I didn’t cook canned sardine until I watch this YouTuber cooked this dish. Look so delicious and make me want to try it. 

So let’s check the recipe out!!

1 tin kecil sardine
1 biji bawang Holland –hiris halus
3 ulas bawang putih- hiris halus
10 btg cili padi
½ inch halia- hiris halus
1 sdb cili kisar
2  sdb air asam jawa
1 biji tomato’
20 btg kacang buncis – hiris kecil-kecil
3 sdb kicap manis
Garam & gula

Tumis bawang Holland, bawang putih , halia, cili padi dan cili kisar . Masak sehingga naik bau.
Masukkan 1 tin sardine, air asam jawa dan 1 tin air . Guna tin sardine tadi. Masak hingga mendidih.
Masuk pula kacang buncis , tomato dan kicap. Perasakan dengan garam dan gula. Masak hingga kering.

Done you all…JOM MAKAN…!!!

Wednesday 19 September 2018


Hello guys….

I nak share resepi spicy macaroni hari ini. So simple, easy ingredients and cheap. This dish have to be kering sebab fried macaroni. I didn’t add any vegetables because I don’t like it but you guys can add whatever you like. This is only basic recipe. Mix and match then eat ok!!!


½ Pack Macaroni – Rebus Dulu
1 Can Prego Mushroom Pasta Sauce 300g
1 Mangkuk Daging Cincang
1 Biji Bawang Holland – Potong Dadu
4 Ulas Bawang Putih – Cincang
1 Biji Tomato – Potong Dadu
10 Biji Cili Padi Tesco (Warna Merah) – Potong Halus-Halus
Mozarella Cheese


Goreng Daging Cincang Hingga Masak.
Masukkan Pula Bawang Holland, Bawang Putih Dan Tomato. Masak 5 Minit.
Masukkan Sos Prego Dan 1 Cawan Air. Tunggu Hingga Sos Mengering Sedikit.
Perasakan Dengan Garam Dan Gula.
Masukkan Macaroni, Cili Padi Dan Cheese . Gaul Hingga Sos Meresap Dalam Macaroni.



Hello guys….

I'm just back from Kuala Lumpur and Melaka. I'm visiting my sister in law’s new born baby….HANA NAFISA…nice name. And so cute...2.7kg only…Anyway, today I would like to share my review on SAMYANG ramen JJAJNG.  

This is one of my favorite ramen flavors. I have tried this ramen so many times and I don’t have time to review it previously. The flavor for this ramen is sweet bean sauce and have a little bit spicy. According to the Samyang official website, this Jjajang Fire Noodle variation is 1.5xs more spicy than their first spicy noodle pack. The noodles have the bright red color of the Samyang fire sauce with the thickness of the traditional Jjajangmyeon Black Bean Noodle dish. I fell in love with it instantly because of its addictive JjaJang flavors. It’s like rasa ala ala kicap dengan sedikit pedas gitew… I makan dengan telur, meatball, cucumber and whatever uols rasa bole add on. So I bagi rating 4/5 untuk this ramen. Sila la cuba uols. Memang recommended but for those yang tak suka soy sauce in their cooking might be don’t like this dish. Give it a try ok!!!

Sunday 2 September 2018


Resepi paling mudah nak buat dengan syarat bahan-bahan ni ada di rumah. Just use a blender then taraaaaaaa. DONE!

Gula - 1/2 Cawan
Air - 2 Sdb

Masukkan Gula Ke Dalam Kuali Dan Cairkan Menggunakan Api Sederhana. 
Bila Gula Dah Mula Macam "Mengeras" Masukkan Air Dan Kacau Sehingga Gula Menjadi Perang. Bila Dah Cair Dan Perang Masukkan Dalam Bekas Yang Akan Di Gunakan Untuk Mengukus Nanti Dan Sejukkan Di Dalam Peti.

5 Biji Telur 
Susu Cair - 1 Tin
Gula – 1 Sdb
Susu Pekat – 1 Sdb
Esen Vanilla - 1 Sdk

Masukkan Kesemua Bahan Dan Blend Sehingga Sebati
Tapis Adunan Di Atas Ke Dalam Bekas Kukusan Yang Ada Sos Karamel.
Kukus Sehingga Masak Dalam 1 Jam. Sejukkan Di Luar Terlebih Dahulu Sebelum Masukkan Ke Dalam Peti. 

Siap Di Hidang.