Wednesday 15 May 2013


Be very careful who you tell things to ~ you never know who is running the gossip mill ~ you can never tell who is a TRUE FRIEND or a FAKE FRIEND nowadays!
The one thing I hate more than haters is the people who pretend to be your friend when they really aren't.Sometimes we expect more from others, because we'd be willing to do much more for them; & as we grow older we don't lose friends, we learn who the real ones are....thinks it's sad when someone says "they have your back", then when push comes to shove they push you right under the bus, again.Don't you hate it when you express genuine kindness to someone & they disregard it? True colors are not always pretty! When you think you know someone, take a step back and rethink that thought, the devil lurks closer than you think!Every time I think that this person is my friend, I get a brutal reminder that I'm wrong.You use me when you need me, but I have come to see that I no longer will allow that. You have used your time up, so go find someone else to hurt and take for granted.No matter how hard I cry, how loud I scream, how much I hurt inside, you'll never know cuz while I'm trying to help you with your life,you never ask how I am :(..THATZ WHY I CALLED U SUCH A SELFISH SINCE WE KNEW...I am not a Back-Up-Plan, don't treat me that way....You may look innocent but your eyes speak the truth. You are evil and don't care who you step on to get what you want...once somebody does something to u it will always be in ur mind will they do it again, yeah ..somethings never will change and u will never fully RESPECT them AGAIN..but sis'...dont worry..ALL ur SECRET safe with me til....???????

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